2015年5月5日 星期二



Kazuki Tomokawa 這個名字本來不認識。去年聽過一張非常特別的專輯,在南法拜訪音樂家的時候,他跟我分享他的兒子跟日本音樂家們合作的作品,翻出了黑膠與CD,那張專輯的名字叫做「序破急 ― Jo Ha Kyū」。我心想:我有印象啊,但是沒有機會聽。於是,那個午後,我與高齡75歲的佛朗明哥吉他演奏家一起在院子專注聽著從廚房CD音響播放出來極大音量的日本前衛實驗音樂,這個景象與一旁曬太陽慵懶的貓以及當地特有的“Tramontana”強風相加一起成了非常衝突又和諧的景象。眾樂器製造出來的聲響非常震撼,其中也令我印象非常深刻的vocal的聲音,即是友川Kazuki 先生。後來我有留意到這位很有才華的大提琴音樂家Gaspar Claus也參與了友川先生2014年的錄音專輯「Vengeance Bourbon」。

這個影片trailer是一位我非常喜愛的法籍紀錄片導演Vincent Moon,在2009年為友川先生拍攝的一部紀錄片。在介紹的文字裡有一段話提到:

Kazuki Tomokawa, that's his name, 59 year old man, at first the exact idea you could get of a cinema character straight from a yakuza movie, a guitar in his hand and a scream in his mouth. But then the camera allows you to explore more and makes you discover the multiple layers of his existence and belief in life, his past as an actor for Oshima or Miike, his passion for bike race gambling, his unstoppable addiction to alcohol, his amazing skills as a painter, and his troubled past with his son, you soon got the feeling there's only one Tomokawa Kazuki. As there was only one Rimbaud.
The other day, while working on the edit of 'La Faute des Fleurs', a friend of mine was helping to translate certain sequences. At some point, she would suddenly burst into tears. At the question what happened, she turned to me and said, 'it's the way he speaks... he is like a poem'.
Tomokawa, the screaming philosopher.
“the screaming philosopher"
